Call us in and globs the ultrasound gel all over my belly - huge weight lighted off my chest......there she was moving around like a mad bug! Everything looked great and there was no cause for any concern. I asked if there was any chance to see her in 3D (figured it wouldn't hurt to ask). When she turned it on we both went....'oh, she doesn't look so cute' HAHAH but we were able to get a pretty neat profile picture
She still looks a little creepy but it's okay - she's perfect! Even with half of her head missing....hahaha the tech told us it was because she rotated the image to get the profile, her head is perfect :)
The doctor was the next to come in with one of their new partners - they went through all the pictures and then took another look. She wanted to get a better picture of the 4 chambers but someone was being a punk - literally had her arms crossed across her chest! HA but she finally was able to get a good look and said heart is perfect.
I still can't get over how we went from having a ball of cells as her 'first' picture to this! Amazing!
Hands down - this was the best birthday gift ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!