Yeah I've been a total slacker on keeping this up like I did with Bug!
Even my blog has 2nd child syndrome!
Let's see....we spent a week down in Disney over Thanksgiving week and we had our moments. I will say we did have a nice time, but it was very different going with a 15 month and being pregnant. Having gone to Disney, too many times to count, I was used to going full force from open to close of the parks. This was the hardest part for me - I just couldn't do it. I had to fight back the tears one day because I was so physically exhausted, my knee felt like it was going to tear off and I just couldn't lug the backpack/camera anymore. The sicky face bug hit us while we were down there: Bug got it first so she was the germ carrier (as we liked to call her) - then Hubs got it pretty bad - then it hit my parents right around the time we were leaving. Then it was my turn.
We got home on a Friday afternoon and I just didn't care to do anything. Within an hour of being home, Bug had already destroyed the house. I sat and watched it all happen and didn't do anything about it. I couldn't.
By Monday morning I couldn't pick my head up off the pillow so I chose to call in sick - which I felt horrible about because I was just gone for a week. Tried to sleep throughout the day but didn't have much luck. Tuesday same feeling but just felt weak/dizzy. Time to call the doctor's.
When they saw me she told me that between the exhaustion and virus I was fighting it was time for moderate bed rest for 2 days. I knew that this was all my fault for not taking it easy and all I could think about was the stress I put on the baby as well. Thank God for the doppler at home - her heartbeat had been perfect everyday since we'd been back!
Time for our 18 week appointment. OB appointment was nice and quick - heart rate was perfect and all sounds well. Next stop, u/s appointment. Hubs called and said he wasn't feeling well and wouldn't be able to make it - I was a little sad since this would be the first time we actually got to really see her but nothing I could do, he tried but just couldn't make it.
The tech calls me back and we begin the scan. She was in the most awkward position ever - her feet were down by my cervix - her head was squished up by the placenta....this all made it super hard for the tech to get a good profile/3D image. We tried everything to try to get her to move positions - lay on one side, now try the other, let me jiggle your belly (thanks for that!) nothing. First thought....awesome, we have another stubborn punk on our hands! Everything looked great even though they didn't get a perfect shot of the 4 chamber heart. They saw it but then she would jerk a little when they would try to get the image.
I am making a promise to myself that I will do much better at trying to keep this updated, so at least Baby #2 has something to look back and read regarding what I went through with her :)