Thursday, April 11, 2013

Things people say

This is going to be a hodge podge of thoughts as it has been one of those weeks! Let's start off at the end of last week when the hubs sent me a text telling me friends of ours are pregnant...AGAIN!!!!!!!! Mind you they just celebrated their 2nd son's 1st birthday. As happy as I am for them I am then told this the following day: he said they just had sex once and bam she's pregnant. They weren't even trying. Really? Is that something you want to share with someone who's been struggling for years with infertility......I know no harm was meant because non-infertiles have zero clue when they speak, but come on! ONE TIME! What did you do, travel back in time to when you were in high school when getting pregant after having sex one time was a big scare.

Now on to this week. It's been one thing after another......I've been told I don't even look pregnant all the way to one woman telling me I look like I have a watermellon. Now, I don't know what it is but my whole body cringes when this one woman makes these comments. It's someone I work with and is literally the only one that has told me I look big! I don't even think I look big! Here I am at 21 weeks:

Granted it is a bit bigger by the end of the day, but really? Lock it up!

The other thing that I love is when I'm asked how I'm feeling, I am always reminded that it will only get worse. That I'm going to be miserable during the last 3 months because it's going to be the summer months. Hey, jack holes.....thanks for the kind words and for reminding me I'm going to be a hot mess towards the end of my pregnancy....but mine will go away - what's your excuse for looking like a hot mess on a daily basis? ;)
Enought of the rants.......

In other news......her room has been painted and I love how it came out! Furniture has been ordered and the crib will be here by the end of next week *fingers crossed* - changing table should be shortly after due to it being on backorder. She's been moving around like a mad woman - she's literally going to town right now and makes me laugh with each kick/punch - love it!
That's about all for now....

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