Sure this question has popped into my head from time to time over the past 32 weeks, but it REALLY hit me when hubs and I were in our birthing class this weekend. Let's first start off that I thought the class started at 9.....yeah no, it started at 8 so we were about 40 minutes late. Oops! Hubs teased me and told me the baby is sucking my brain because I'm never wrong about times and being places. Good news is we didn't miss too much. Sitting through the class we learned a lot and both were very happy we decided to attend. After lunch it was time to tour the maternity floor. Now granted, I've already been to this floor for all 5 of my nephews births and have been in all the rooms so I thought it would be a breeze. That was until we were all standing in the L&D room. As she is explaining the steps of labor and how they get the bed ready for delivery I begin to panic. Am I ready for this? Can I do this? I just take deep breathes to calm myself down and say so many women have done this, you can too....Christ look what you've already been through in the past 3+ years! There was one husband in the group that actually asked if there was a place for the Husbands to go when the wife is in the L&D room. The midwife looked at him and then around the room and said, yup, right here. Told him they have cots that go in the rooms for the husbands to sleep on. I honestly would have been so embarrassed if hubs asked that questions! Do you really think you're gonna leave you're wife to go get some sleep elsewhere????
After the class we went to this one pub that has the BEST wings and started talking about the class. Hubs was funny in telling me things he never knew and that he's glad she told us not to panic and drive like a mad man when labor starts (we were told average labor for first child is 20 hours....awesome!). I told him that I started to panic when we were in the L&D room and said I wasn't sure I was ready or could do this. He looked me in the eyes and told me that I could. He knows how strong of a woman I am and that we've overcome so much worse in our marriage that this will be a breeze. Breeze....yeah probably not so much a breeze, but I got his point :)
When we got home all I wanted to do was take a little nap, knowing we'd be out late watching the Bruins game, but the neighbor's had a different plan for me. As we pull into the driveway we notice a band, that's right a band playing in one of their yards. I wanted to cry! Luckily I was able to get a good 45 minutes in before we headed back on the road to go see hubs family.
While we were driving hubs kept telling me about all the stuff he read in the book we got from the class. It made me smile that he seemed so into this now. Don't get me wrong, it's not like he was ignoring the situation of us having a baby, I just think he was scared of what was happening and not knowing what was going on. His mood/mindset has completely changed and it makes me so very happy. He touches my belly more, gives me kisses more (we are not the lovey dovey couple) and just makes me feel good about myself. Lately I've been feeling pretty gross. Perfect example was last night while I was getting ready to clean up after dinner he wanted to make sure I could carry both plates...yup got it. Then he jumped up and said he didn't want me lifting the garbage bag so he came in to help me. Normally he could have cared less and just let me do my thing in the kitchen - he knows how I get when I'm cleaning - so it was nice to see him be this way.
Now, let's see how long this will last ;) I ready? No, I'm not and I don't think any woman really is. I do know that whatever is thrown at us over the course of the next 8 weeks/delivery, I will be able to handle because I will have the greatest man next to me telling me I can do this.
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