Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The lies can stop!

We have finally told both sides of our families! Hubs and I brought Bug over to his parents house, donning her Big Sister shirt, the day after our u/s and last RE appointment. To our surprise his father was the only one home!

As we all sat in the living room, hubs and I kept laughing to ourselves.....his father is not getting it or he just isn't paying attention to her shirt. Finally after 15 minutes - no exaggeration - he read her shirt out loud and asked us what that meant. Asked us if she was really gonna be a big sister. He was thrilled! Then we sat and waiting anxiously for his mother to get back home. My FIL was sure that she would notice it right away. Well her time frame was longer than his! She even fixed her shirt while she was holding her (nearly died laughing when she didn't notice). Bug was walking towards her when she finally saw the shirt and screamed Big Sister about 5 times! It was great.

That following week was torture! My mom's birthday was coming up so my whole family was getting together to celebrate. She always takes her birthday off (usually plays hookie with my nephew who shares her birthday) and I, as dumb as I was, told my father I had to work from home that day. This lead to them saying they might swing by on their way up to my sisters. Um No. No you can't.
I begin to think of any excuse to use to make sure they don't swing by - I had 2 appointments that afternoon...one u/s and one with OB.

So I lie.

I told them the Jeep has a few recalls and Hubs was able to work his magic with Service to get me in.
Worked out since my father said they wouldn't be leaving till later in the afternoon so won't be able to swing by.


Friday night I begin to wrap every one's gifts. I felt like a little girl as I was getting my mom's gift ready. I had purchased a stuffed animal Nemo for her - back story.....the egg that we ended up transferring was always called Nemo....because of it being the last egg to survive.
As I was putting her gift bag together, I took one of the u/s pictures and taped it to the bottom of the bag and wrote - See you in May (middle sister who knew felt that was a good idea in case she didn't get the stuffed Nemo).

Everyone makes it up to the house Saturday and the food arrives. Hubs leans over and asked if we could give my mom her gift now because he's going to blow it - he's the WORST with secrets!

We all ate and now it was time for gifts. I leap up from the couch and go grab my camera. My oldest sister started to make fun of my mom and I for taking so many pictures, and again I lie and tell her I have to get used to this new lens before our Disney trip.

Kids gifts are done - now it's my mom's turn. My stomach was doing flips. I couldn't wait for her to open it.

As she pulled the first piece of pink tissue paper up, her head falls in her hands. She knows. She got it. When she finally pulled Nemo out she shouted across the room to my father: Eddie look what I got. Him being ever so clueless just nodded and went, oh that's nice. It took him about three times of hearing the word Nemo before he understood. My SIL was standing next to me with complete confusion on her face and asked what this all meant and why was everyone crying. I just turned and looked at her and told her I was pregnant. She was so shocked and just grabbed me to give me a hug. Then said, guess we aren't drinking in Disney together this year ;)

All in all I was so happy I pulled this off. Both of my parents now received our pregnancy news on each of their birthday's.....strange how that worked out.

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