Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Let's talk about family! I love mine dearly and wouldn't know how I would have gotten through some of these times without them. Then there are days where I look at the caller id and just don't want to pick up...knowing if I don't, they'll call back and ask where I was earlier....Oh just ignoring your call because I didn't want to listen to all the questions.... I say in my head!
My mother has been wanting to have Hubs' parents at our house for dinner for a while now so they can all celebrate the baby. Great idea, sure no problem. Well Friday was that day. It was that day that I REALLY missed my wine. REALLY missed it! I had to listen to both mother's go on and on about making sure I'm eating enough and eating the right things - not sure if they missed the 4 slices of pizza I shoved down my gullet or not, but pretty sure I'm eating enough. Am I making the best choices in food - trying my best but if I want to sit and eat a half a bag of Cheetos, I'm gonna do that....oh wait, that's what I did yesterday.
But this comment was what took the cake! For whatever reason my mother went to get soap from my shower (guess she didn't like my hand soap) and I later found my Dove body soap on the counter.....knowing how she is and how she was growing up (let's just say we tease her and call her Mommy Dearest - rent it if you don't know what I'm referring too...hehehe) I busted her chops saying I'll put the soap back where it came from. I hope you are all sitting down for this one, and I quote: "I'm going to bring you new soap because you are not to use the Dove anymore."
Now if I can imagine what all your faces are right now, pretty sure it's exactly what mine was when I heard that too. I try to gather my head around this absurd comment and ask why - something about it not being paraben free. Um okay - I just let her have her comment.
After we get through dinner I just looked at hubs and said I was going to bed - it was a long night!
My parents made the trek back up to my house (my mother forgot her clothes) and we spent the late morning/early afternoon together.....with my paraben free soap! HA HA
I'm in no way going to tell her how delish it smells but I've been using it everyday ;) When I spoke to my middle sister I asked if she was this....let's use the word overbearing.....when she was preggers with her first and she said not this bad and she will talk to her.
Hubs and I went to dinner Saturday night for our Vday date and when we got home he was going through the children's cookbook my mother had brought up that was from the 50's.
As he was flipping through the book he calls for me to come into the den:
"So your mom does not want you to use Dove soap but wants us to cook for our kid using these recipes that call for MSG in almost all of them?"
I nearly peed my pants from laughing so hard.....YES, I have ammo to fire back at that stupid parabens comment! When I got a chance to speak to her the next day all she could do was laugh and said it's just a collectible cookbook!

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