Monday, February 11, 2013

Testing, Snow storm, going public

Hubs and I went through with the Maternit21 testing and went back this past Wednesday for the u/s part of it - apparently it was a little too early for me when I was there for the blood would think they would have told me when they booked the appointment since they knew how far along I was, or when I was there but no, take more time off work and head back.
Thankfully she's all okay - wasn't cooperating very well for the tech: was laying on her stomach and not moving around. After the tech left I started shaking around and poking my belly to get her to wake up....when the doctor came in to speak to us she assured us that everything looked great and wanted to get a better picture for us. She was bouncing all over the place and saw her put her hand in her mouth, which was so crazy to see.
This was the best shot they could get for us. But there she is......little Amelia!

The past weekend was spent trapped in my house as the hubs banned me from going outside or touching a shovel. Think we ended up with close to 2 feet of snow. I know it's New England and we are supposed to get snow, but when we've been spoiled for the past few years with nothing really bad, you get used to it! Now I'm ready for it all to go away.
Another big step for us this weekend was going public. I was so scared and felt like I was going to throw up before making it 'facebook' official. Now that we did it feels good to not to have to hide the little belly bulge I'm sporting and to see the love/support from everyone is so wonderful. I also told the ladies in my office and a few others that have been wondering if I'm okay due to the coming and going a lot lately.....they were all thrilled and said they figured that is what was going on - mind you I found out later that one was talking sh** about how I was never in the office....really? I don't work for you so mind your business and lock it up!

26 weeks and 6 days left to go!

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