Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Totally slacking

I was doing so well at keeping this blog up to date and then bam total slacker lately! Life has been moving right along nicely, with my morning hugging the toilet, but hey this girl cannot complain - worked too hard to not feel this way right?
We had our Maternit21 testing this past Friday and I almost walked out of the office. They had us sit with a genetic counselor first for whatever reason. She wasn't the same one we met with when they dropped the bomb on us about me being a carrier...and boy do I wish it was. After she introduced herself and said she's been trying to find the letter/file on us, jumped right to 'why are you here? why are you doing this test?'
I was taken back at first and said it was recommended by both doctor's so we are going with their suggestion. Started to go on and on about how this one only tests for this and the amniocentesis tests for this and then explained the difference between two of the tests with the needle (which hubs knew I wanted NO part of). I just felt that we were wasting her time and were bothering her. Hubs got to the point where he couldn't take her rudeness anymore and snapped back - told her that with the PGD testing we had a very high chance of her being okay. They doctor's wanted us to make sure everything was covered so that is why we are here. I love that man!
She seemed to have gotten the picture - I think she would have gotten it more if she was more prepared with all of our paperwork/history before bringing us in, but hey that's just my thought.
Our appointment sheet said blood work and ultra sound - well I wasn't down for an ultra sound and was furious (mainly because I just wanted to see her again). They took my blood and sent me on my way. Rush home to try to squeeze in a quick nap before the Bruins game we were going to that night but didn't have much luck.
Had a lot of fun at the game but not sure how many more I'll make this year (not that it's a long season). Being at the game and not being able to enjoy a cold beer just wasn't the same...hahahah makes me sound like a lush, but you know what I mean. Was a late night and up early the next morning for one of my nephew's hockey games.
Spent the afternoon shopping with my mom and ended up buying stuff for Amelia - I always feel like I'm jinxing it by doing stuff like that. Couldn't resit though - got her the cutest little bathing suit....yes, she will be a beach bum just like her mother! Once we got back to my house my parents left and I started to watch the movie Heathers (loved that movie). Remember the first 15 minutes and then when I woke up it was the ending....really! Wasn't feeling so hot so I took it easy and then got ready for dinner with the hubs family.
Sunday marked 11 weeks. I still can't believe I'm saying it - took my first belly shot for the Mafia IVFers and rested the rest of the day.
Hubs ordered a Doppler for home so I'm super excited to try that bad boy out, but know I have to keep in mind I might not be able to find it. We don't go back until the 13th - which seems forever and a day away.

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