Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Family is in the loop

The cat is finally out of the bag with both of our families! We drove down to my parents house Sunday for my dad's birthday and made him open his gift before taking them out to lunch:

I recorded his reaction and it was priceless - he got all teary eyed and then turned it to show my mother who just screamed and covered her face. I had to stop recording then because the tears started to flow but wish I kept going. I asked her if she read the bottom frame and I'm surprised the neighbors didn't come over from how loud she got! My youngest nephew (who is 4) was staying with them while my sister was at the hockey tournament with the rest of her family came into the room and asked what was going on. We told him he was going to have a baby girl cousin and he responded, "but I want a baby brother"....yeah good luck with that one kid! After my mother's heart started beating at a normal pace again she leaped up and went into one of the back rooms and came out with a box. It was a box my grandmother had started when my middle sister was first pregnant (12 years ago). I opened it up and it was a box of girl clothes.....she finally got her great granddaughter that she can now protect from above with the rest of my family upstairs!

Had lunch and then waited for my other sister/her kids and brother/wife to arrive. My mother had positioned the frame on one of the end tables but couldn't wait for them to find it on their own....so impatient she was :)
My sister was sitting next to me on the couch with her head on my shoulder and my mom asked if she wanted to see what we got dad for his birthday and just pointed. She immediately covered her face and started to cry - I just busted out laughing. Then cried some more when she got up to read what the bottom frame said. My brother had a huge smile on his face and said he knew and my sister in law's face was priceless - she looked at us like it was a joke and then realized it wasn't and ran over to give me a big hug and cried......lots of tears of joy :) Going to be a very busy summer with babies: my godparents daughter is due at the end of June - my sister in law is due at the end of July - and I'm due towards the end of August.

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