Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Amelia Has Arrived!!!!!!

Wow it's been a while since I've been able to blog and I missed it - okay here's what everyone has missed:
  Hubs and I had an u/s appointment on Thursday August 15th - I was not feeling right at all at work (to the point I was walking off a contraction and didn't say hello to the owner and he basically lectured me on how we say hello here....I'm sorry SIR, but my uterus is in so much pain that I want to cry) I politely smiled and said good morning and continued to walk out of the main office. It came time for me to leave for the doctor's and I said today was going to be my last day in the office, that I would be working from home the next day (my official last day).
Left work and went to pick up Hubs - I started to walk towards my Jeep that had all our bags and such ready but he insisted we take his car so when we get back he can drop me off in the employee lot and no one would see him to bother him (downside of being the boss). I was hesitant but went along with it.
We go to the hospital a little early so we went to the café to grab a salad to tide us over until we were done. Get to our appointment and we are brought right in - we laughed at how we couldn't tell what the heck they were looking at anymore because she was so crammed. The tech said the doctor would be in to review everything. In comes the 12 year old looking doctor and she beings to scan my stomach and said something that neither one of us expected to hear: We are gonna call it a day. I asked what she meant by that and she said we were going to have a baby! The fluid was low and she wasn't comfortable with it - left the room to call the OB office to send me up to get examined. As soon as the door shut I burst into tears - I had such a fear rush over me that I wasn't expecting. Hubs said everything will be okay and we should have expected this based on our last appointment (we were told we might be admitted if my BP was still elevated).
As we head upstairs to the OB's office I can see the nervousness set in with the hubs - it was really kinda cute how he was excited and anxious all at the same time :) We get to the office and I was only 1 cm but 100% effaced so we would only have to have Pitocin. Off to L&D we went to get hooked up to monitor and have blood work done (BP was still elevated) all of that came back normal and bug was doing just fine. The nurse told us we could either wait for a room or come back first thing in the morning. I thought about just going home so we could get all of our stuff but then agreed that what ever was the safest we'll do....she told me that was the right answer. Sent us to the coffee shop to get some food and we called the family. I had to laugh because my  mother asked that we not have this all go down at 4:00 as they will be stuck in horrible traffic (they were coming from CT) well guess what time we called :) HA HA
Inhaled a cheeseburger and fries and we headed back up to be admitted - by the time we got to the room and had Pitocin it was about 5:00 and my parents were there by 5:30 (lucky for them there was zero traffic). The rest of the family came and hubs family came around 8....I held out until 9ish before I was asking for the BEST DRUG EVER INVENTED - epidural! I was getting annoyed with my sisters when they kept asking why I was waiting so long to get it - honestly the contractions were tolerable so I figured why not just wait until I can't deal with it anymore....that and it was nothing compared to the pain I experienced from my surgery 3+ years ago!
Family was kicked out of the room and hubs and I got some sleep....okay well hubs got some sleep. It was about 3:30 am when the doctor decided to check to see how far along I was - 9.5 cm....it was time to get ready to push! I was competing with another woman in the next room to see who could deliver first (yes I'm that competitive.....hey it was her 3rd, my 1st). We had to have the other on call doctor deliver since the other one was in another room - he walked in and looked around and asked, what do you need me to do? I remember picking my head up and looking at him like he was crazy! But he was awesome! The nurse that I had was amazing as well - asked if it was okay if hubs looked down at my lady bits while I was pushing and at that point I didn't care - originally I told him he was NOT to go past my shoulders....but I'm glad he was able to see the birth of our daughter.
I started to push at 3:45 am (with Pulp Fiction on the television - haha) and by 5:06 am Amelia Veriss was laying on my chest! As I had asked my angels upstairs to give me the strength to keep pushing, one of the nurses told me to open my eyes and I saw her coming out. It truly was the best moment of my life.
Here are some pictures from delivery to 2 weeks:

Next post.....first few weeks at home.

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