Everyone tells you to accept all the help you can with newborns once you arrive at home. I had already prepped my mother to spend the week with us once hubs went back to work so I thought that would be a ton of help....and it was, don't get me wrong, but her plan was for me to catch up on sleep while she was there. Yeah didn't work out so well. By the time I pumped it was time to eat, by the time she was done eating it was time to pump again - I have now since pushed my pumping hours back from every 3 to now every 4-5.
The first week home with hubs didn't seem too bad. I thought I got this, no problem. The second week was eh a little harder. Week 3......was my breakdown week. I was sobbing on the couch with a screaming infant on my chest when hubs came down to see if we were okay. I couldn't control the tears. He hugged me and told me I'm doing a great job and asked if I wanted him to take over. As much as I wanted to say yes, I knew he had a long day ahead of him so I said no and told him to go back to bed. We had two nights in a row like this - needed to figure something out. I thought I would change her bottles to Dr. Browns and THANK YOU JESUS that has seemed to help.
We are still trying to get our routine/schedule down - she'll have two days in a row where she's awake most of the day so I will get a good 5-6 hours out of her at night and then we have a sleepy day where I know it's going to be a long night (cue last night!)
All the tears and frustrations go away the moment she looks in my eyes and smiles - she gave me a big one this morning and it melted my heart! Love this little girl so much!
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