Monday, February 10, 2014

I'd like one ticket please

Well today I go meet with our RE to start again - start the roller coaster ride. I am a mix of emotions because I am excited to start again but fearful we will not be successful. I am worried she will tell us that we should wait a little longer (her original plan was for us to call her when we were starting to plan Bugs first birthday.....does pinning stuff on Pinterest count? 'Cuz I've been doing that for about a month now).

I was watching bug and hubs lay on the couch last night and wondered what it would be like with two, maybe even three. Could we handle it? Would I be able to handle it since hubs works so many hours? Of course I know the answer is yes and will take some adjusting and getting used to.

I am very excited that our RE can finally meet Bug - so she can see what she helped us get. That must be one of the most amazing feelings RE's must have....when they get to see their patients little ones! So rewarding....okay getting sidetracked.

Due to our new address in Infertility Land, I wonder what we should do. FET or Fresh? Hubs and I don't really see eye to eye on this, think I've already discussed this, but.....Hubs doesn't want to do FET because it wasn't tested and he does not want me to suffer another miscarriage. I just can't NOT use it. I would always wonder and play the horrible 'what if' game.Ideally I would like to use our frostie along with an egg from a fresh cycle - that's another fear, if we do a fresh and testing, will we have any good eggs? If not, then we are back to FET anyway right?

We've both agreed that we are not telling anyone about going to docs and starting up - let's see how long that will last since I'm the WORST liar in the world!

Lots of emotions happening today - hell you would think I was on Lupron already!

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