This post may piss some people off, so you all have been forewarned. ADHD - it seems now a days these letters are being spit out of the label maker and plastered on every kids forehead because they can't behave, or they don't listen. HEY AMERICA - they are children........Don't get me wrong, I do believe that some cases are actual real cases - I was tested in High School only to find out I, myself, had a Learning Disability, ADD among a few other things. What did my parents do? They for sure as shit didn't run to the local pharmacy and get me medication. We worked with it. We found new ways for me to study, new ways for me to remember what I read. There was never a band aid put on it and it was never an excuse!
Recently one of my sister's opened up to me about her oldest boy and having been 'labeled' this due to anxiety....he's 11!!!!! It was hard for me to swallow at first hearing what she was telling me but all I could was offer some suggestions that I used to do to help me organize my day to day activities. Then today, one of my girlfriends told me how her daughter is going to be tested for the same thing, she's 4.
Now I'm not saying I will be mother of the year, that my child will never act up or not listen, but I will tell you that when it comes to disciplining my child, I will follow through with my 'threats'.
This is where I think some of the problems stem from. I've seen it first hand with my girlfriend and her daughter - she got to the point of threatening to spank her bottom that her daughter would stick her bum out and wiggle it knowing nothing was going to happen.
Before I go any further - I'm not condoning beating your child....but I will say I was smacked on the bum, wooden spoon to the knuckles, soap in the mouth..guess what..I AM OKAY!!!!!!
This little girl has already been to the 'principal's' office and asked to be picked up numerous times from where she goes to pre-school due to her behavior - she's also been known for her violent behavior (throwing things at her mother and biting her).
It was very hard for me to have her around my daughter as I wasn't sure how she was going to be - when they came over for a visit not too long ago she was doing well, playing with me while her mom held my daughter. It wasn't until my girlfriend brought her upstairs that she flipped her switch - pulling on her shirt and telling her mom to let go of her all while she was changing my daughter, causing my girlfriend to loose her balance a few times. Cue Mama Bear and me taking over.
To me, and I am not a psychologist by any means, these kids shouldn't be 'labeled' anything other than: I'm going to act out because I can and know nothing will happen to me. So America, put the label maker down and look a little deeper.
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ReplyDeleteSorry I had to delete my comment in case it got back to the person I was referring to. But totally agree with you! :)