Friday, March 7, 2014

Will it ever get easier?

Today starts the beginning of our next cycle. AF showed up just in time for me to go get cycle day 3 bw before we meet with Genetic Counselor this morning - let the games begin!

As excited as I am to start the process up again....okay wait let me rephrase that because no one in their right mind is excited to stab themselves with needles, well maybe junkies, no one is excited to have their blood sucked out almost every other day, no one should be excited for wanda the wand excited isn't the right word. I am ready.....ready is the right term. What I am not ready for is the waiting game - waiting for insurance to approve everything, waiting for that box of meds to arrive at the door, waiting for the phone calls to tell me how everything is progressing. What I'm dreading the most is the new process my RE's office does now - freeze all on Day 5, then test! I am not ready to wait to see how many make it to Day 5 - I am not ready to wait for the call for them to tell us how many eggs are 'normal'.

You would think after taken many trips on this ride before I would be used to it....again not the proper term....I would be ready for it. But I'm not. I woke up this morning ready to have a good day and then it hit me. Today is the day I am reminded that there is 'something wrong with me', which of course happens to fall in the month that I have now come to dislike (refer to Month of March post if you are curious). At least this time around I am prepared for that information to smack me in the face - we know what the problem is, we know what we have to do to work with it, we know what meds I respond well too.....but why do I still feel scared and nervous?

Why does this never get easier?

Then I saw this......

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