We've all been there - searched through the millions of pictures, crafts, quotes and thought, wow that's a great idea, I can totally do that.
Now if you are Martha Stewart, chances are yes, you probably can. But for most people out there - not so much. I do admit that I go on weekly to look for ideas and can proudly say that I have made almost everything on my Food Board (some didn't turn out so hot, but others were great).
I have saved some ideas for future photo shoot ideas (getting more serious with my photography), saved ideas for birthday's, exercises and such. But some of the stuff out there....I mean come on, who the hell has that kind of time. For example:
A water balloon slip and slide. What in the......does it look cool, absolutely. But riddle me this batman - who in their right mind would sit and fill each one of these little balloons? Honestly? And how would it really work - once you get that running start, leap in the air and land, wouldn't they just pop????
*and yes, I do realize that this image went through photoshop - you would need a small army and a lot of patience to pull this one off
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