Friday, September 5, 2014

Beta #2

Sitting in the RE's waiting room will never be comfortable - too many things rush through your head. My stomach was in knots, like this was my first time. My heart was racing. I just had this feeling that it wasn't going to be a good day.

Nurse Nancy called me back to the blood sucking room and asked if I was nervous. I of course was and she told me she was nervous for me too....then asked me if that was bad. My first reaction was of course not, it means you care for your patients, then thinking about it, my stomach got even worse. Why was she nervous? What does she know that I don't?
She told me that she would call in a couple hours and she hopes it's with good news - me too Nurse Nancy.

I get in to the office and begin my day. Hubs called, as he normally does, on his way in to tell me about the morning. About 20 minutes of being in my office 'that number' comes across my phone. I didn't want to answer, but I also couldn't resist.

It was Nurse Nancy (thank God because at least I know she shows emotions) - I asked how she was and she said she was fine and so was I, that my number was 2......that's all I heard. I was so overwhelmed with how high the number had jumped that I didn't hear the rest. She told me to keep taking my meds and to come in Saturday for one last blood draw and then they will call to schedule u/s. I had to ask her again what the number was and admit I didn't really listen - 267! My levels had a doubling time of 25 hours!

Thank you Jesus!

Now just keep growing little bean!!!!!!!!!