I've been delayed with writing about the 3rd Beta.
Bug and I had to make a trip to the RE's office Saturday morning - I was hoping I could get in early enough that I wouldn't have to take her, since Hubs works, but that wasn't the case. I always feel awkward bringing her into the office - I never want to make anyone feel uncomfortable or hurt their feelings by 'showing' off my child.....as they sit there and wait to find out if they can have one of their own.
We were pretty lucky and had one couple in the waiting room and they both just smiled at her - you could see the hope in their eyes. I hope their dreams come true!
I get called back by Nurse Personality. At first she looked annoyed that I had Bug with me, but I just ignored it. Sit down and Bug's face begins to change....oh shit, please don't freak out. You could see her white knuckling the tray on the stroller - like she's going to have to get a shot or something. Then Nurse Personality starts to lighten up a bit and tells her that it's okay, it's not for you. It's Mommy's turn for the needle. Turn??? Please, I've been having 'turns' with needles for longer than I care to remember!
Blood sucked out and we are back on the road - knowing I have to race back since I wasn't sure what time my parents would be arriving.
Get our morning started and I can't help but check my phone - constantly. Part of me knew that as soon as my parents were to arrive, that is when I would get the call. And whatta know.....no sooner did my dad sit on the couch the call came in. It took every ounce of strength not to leap across the room to grab my phone to answer. Instead I used the lame excuse of having to get shoes that were upstairs for them to bring home for niece.
Being o so stealth like, I grab my phone and head upstairs to listen to the voicemail.
Your pregnancy level has risen to 795. Keep taking your medication and we have you scheduled for an ultrasound on 9/25.
Today is going to be a good day.
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