Friday, January 31, 2014

True Love

I was talking with my sister this afternoon and she brought up one of the guys that works for the company she does who recently lost his wife. This was the first time she's spoken to him since the loss. She mentioned how her husband drove past the church when the services were going on and the man informed her that it was where they got married. They were driving around one afternoon and decided to get married. They went to see if anyone would be available to marry them and as fate would have it there was a priest ready. When asked who would be their witness, the man replied, you are. When asked who would be his best man, the man replied, you will. And that was it.
He continued on telling her his wife was his best friend, that he misses her more and more each day. He never needed it to be a holiday or special occasion for him to buy her flowers. She had a mini chalk board on her desk at their home and he wrote: I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow. It is still sitting on her desk.

That is true love - sounds like something straight out of a movie!

My true sound horrible, you are sick, get away.

Gotta love the romance hubs has for me :)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cooties, Snot nose, booger eyes, drool monster

Want to know how my weekend was? Read the title again.
Saturday morning I woke up to chatter coming from the monitor so I knew I didn't have much longer to rest my eyes before the hangry beast arose. I go in to her room and it's still a little dark, that or could be that my eyes were not fully open, and she's wide awake and greats me with an ear to ear smile! I notice she has eye boogs on her left eye so I take my hand and wipe it away...hmm, still there. Time to turn the light on. Her eye was covered in green eye boogs! After I wipe her eye clean I bring her over to the changing table only to notice it looks like she just got out of the boxing ring. WHAT IN THE HELL?????

Hubs wakes up after I ask for him to come in to look at her eye. I call the doctor's office - knowing I will get the answering service - the D.B. on the line kept saying she can't hear me that I have to call back from a land line (after telling her our phones are broken so I cannot call from our land line) she takes all our information and said she'll 'page it out'.....well I don't know it was morse code paging or pigeon carrier but we NEVER got a call back. Thankfully I had her drops from before and kept putting a warm cloth on her eye that the swelling went down. It went down alright and reappeared in her right eye Monday morning. COME ON!

This time I brought her to see her doctor - the nurse asked if she had been around anyone with conjunctivitis. I just looked at her and said, she goes to daycare. God only knows what germs she's around. The doctor comes in, does his thing and it's what hubs and I thought from the beginning....conjunctifunk. Thankfully I treated it right away so she's not contagious anymore. Spent the day at home with her and trying to get work done wasn't in her cards for me. What she had planned was to whine, sneeze in my face, chew on anything and everything she could get her hands on.

We are still trying to get her to roll....but Miss Lazy bones doesn't seem to care too much about it. She'll get to her side and just chill out there and then right to her back again. Started to introduce food and thankfully she's eating like a champ! Banana's, Sweet Potatoes and last night Avocado - takes a few spoonfuls for her to figure out what is going on but after that she's chowing like a girl finding out she's pregnant.

So far I've made everything and will try to keep up with it when we keep introducing new things....just not too sure about mashing up chicken when it comes to that time.....pate anyone?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


If you are one of the lucky ones to get to stay home, this topic will never come up in your home. If you are like the majority of the world out there - this conversation sucks!

I have always been work driven, thanks to the work ethic my parents instilled in us. Now, I would give anything to be able to stay at home with my daughter - yes I know, that is a full time job as well....not the point I'm getting at.

I was always the one that would make comments about mother's calling in to work because their kid was sick, there was no daycare, had to take their kid to the doctor's, etc.....I looked at it like you have a job, you should be there and not depend on others to get it done for you. Now I want to kick my own ass for being that way and thinking it's 'that' easy.

Since I am the carrier for insurance and we are looking to have another child (IVF covered under my plan...thank you Jesus!), going back to work was the only option - bring on, 'what are we going to do with bug?' I knew daycare was really our only option. After much talk I finally convinced hubs to go visit one of the day cares that I really liked (being only 6 months pregnant at the time he couldn't understand why I kept pushing the matter).

After we toured the facility (it's a chain daycare) we went back to sit with the director to discuss cost....cue throwing up in my mouth! We do however get a 10% working family discount because the company I work for is one of the participants (so make sure you ask about it) but still, hello second mortgage! She informed us there was only one spot left for the time we were looking to have her start and another couple was looking at the same time frame (saw it so I knew she wasn't lying). We had less than 24 hours to make the decision as the other couple was coming back in so her husband could get the tour.

We were both very happy with this place and didn't want to lose it - hubs mindset of day cares changed after he saw what they do/offer. I called that afternoon to reserve our spot.

Leading up to the end of my maternity leave I was so sad - I didn't want to leave her - I didn't want someone else to spend the day with her. Thankfully hubs does the dropping off so I wasn't that first time mom lurking in the windows wondering what they are going to do with her (we joke and say they are all kept in dog crates and then they rush to get the room back together by 3:00). He called after he left and said he was very comfortable leaving her with them so that was reassuring we left her in good hands - and it's only 3 days a week.

Dressing her for day care is always a chore - I lay out two options each night for hubs (I want to make sure she matches) I caught myself laying out options last night and busted out's daycare for cyring out loud! There's a good chance she'll shit through her clothes, get paint on her sleeves, and no doubt have a shirt covered in drool - who cares what she wears!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How to deal.....

How to deal with your MIL while she is watching your child:
 Here are some possible situations of what you might encounter if your MIL is watching your child for you: (all are true examples)
- Told numerous times we need to shovel our front walkway/plow front yard in case they need to get out of the house (three things: one: we have no front walkway, two: if it's that big of an emergency that you cannot get out side door, it's okay to step in snow and three: unless you want to pay to have our yard fixed every year, we will NOT plow our front yard)
    Solution: wait for the rain to wash away the snow
   Solution in my head: build a snowman in the front doorway with a sign that says, 'Must pay toll to pass'

- Told we shouldn't keep her in living room because it's too cold - the play room is better for her to be in.
   Solution: bring all play things into the living room so there is no option BUT to keep her in living room.
   Solution in my head: hang snowflakes from our ceiling to make it a winter 72 degrees.

- Come home to find her in a fleece hooded jacket when you keep your house at 72 degrees because she is cold and then find out she put her winter hat on while they were inside because the sun was coming in through the living room windows.
   Solution: find any and all articles about overheating baby, how to dress baby when you are indoors, how to dress a baby when you take them out, what they should/should not wear in car seats, how you cannot base baby's body temp based on hands/feet because circulatory system is not fully developed.
   Solution in my head: pad lock her closet so she has to put the clothes on that are left out.

 - Told we spend too much money on cold cuts
     Solution: Black out all costs on food
     Solution in my head: create new cost labels and increase the dollar amount to some crazy figure

Now some of you may be what a bitch, and I probably would ponder that thought for a second too. We are very lucky to have her help us out one day a week, but this is my outlet for my thoughts/feelings/ settle down ;)

Good bye 2013 - Hello 2014

Many will say what a great year they've had - Many will say they are so glad 2013 is over. I will say both. This year was filled with heart ache, anger, sadness, confusion and ended with joy, happiness, excitement.

The memories of having our lives revolve around needles, blood withdrawals, Wanda the wand appointments, retrievals, transfers, phone calls telling us we are pregnant to then telling us it was not a viable pregnancy - to hearing congratulations your numbers are increasing perfectly, you are still pregnant, it's a baby girl, hearing keep pushing she's almost here, having this amniotic fluid covered baby put on my chest.

Yes 2013 was one hell of a year and we made it. Looking back I can't help but think about the hurdles that we've leaped over, knocked down, tromped on.....when we were in the trenches it seemed like each minute felt like a century, now looking at it, holy shit did that time fly by!

I do not regret anything we've gone through/done to get to where we are today and look forward to gearing up for another ride on this roller coaster!