Wednesday, January 15, 2014


If you are one of the lucky ones to get to stay home, this topic will never come up in your home. If you are like the majority of the world out there - this conversation sucks!

I have always been work driven, thanks to the work ethic my parents instilled in us. Now, I would give anything to be able to stay at home with my daughter - yes I know, that is a full time job as well....not the point I'm getting at.

I was always the one that would make comments about mother's calling in to work because their kid was sick, there was no daycare, had to take their kid to the doctor's, etc.....I looked at it like you have a job, you should be there and not depend on others to get it done for you. Now I want to kick my own ass for being that way and thinking it's 'that' easy.

Since I am the carrier for insurance and we are looking to have another child (IVF covered under my plan...thank you Jesus!), going back to work was the only option - bring on, 'what are we going to do with bug?' I knew daycare was really our only option. After much talk I finally convinced hubs to go visit one of the day cares that I really liked (being only 6 months pregnant at the time he couldn't understand why I kept pushing the matter).

After we toured the facility (it's a chain daycare) we went back to sit with the director to discuss cost....cue throwing up in my mouth! We do however get a 10% working family discount because the company I work for is one of the participants (so make sure you ask about it) but still, hello second mortgage! She informed us there was only one spot left for the time we were looking to have her start and another couple was looking at the same time frame (saw it so I knew she wasn't lying). We had less than 24 hours to make the decision as the other couple was coming back in so her husband could get the tour.

We were both very happy with this place and didn't want to lose it - hubs mindset of day cares changed after he saw what they do/offer. I called that afternoon to reserve our spot.

Leading up to the end of my maternity leave I was so sad - I didn't want to leave her - I didn't want someone else to spend the day with her. Thankfully hubs does the dropping off so I wasn't that first time mom lurking in the windows wondering what they are going to do with her (we joke and say they are all kept in dog crates and then they rush to get the room back together by 3:00). He called after he left and said he was very comfortable leaving her with them so that was reassuring we left her in good hands - and it's only 3 days a week.

Dressing her for day care is always a chore - I lay out two options each night for hubs (I want to make sure she matches) I caught myself laying out options last night and busted out's daycare for cyring out loud! There's a good chance she'll shit through her clothes, get paint on her sleeves, and no doubt have a shirt covered in drool - who cares what she wears!

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