Want to know how my weekend was? Read the title again.
Saturday morning I woke up to chatter coming from the monitor so I knew I didn't have much longer to rest my eyes before the hangry beast arose. I go in to her room and it's still a little dark, that or could be that my eyes were not fully open, and she's wide awake and greats me with an ear to ear smile! I notice she has eye boogs on her left eye so I take my hand and wipe it away...hmm, still there. Time to turn the light on. Her eye was covered in green eye boogs! After I wipe her eye clean I bring her over to the changing table only to notice it looks like she just got out of the boxing ring. WHAT IN THE HELL?????
Hubs wakes up after I ask for him to come in to look at her eye. I call the doctor's office - knowing I will get the answering service - the D.B. on the line kept saying she can't hear me that I have to call back from a land line (after telling her our phones are broken so I cannot call from our land line) she takes all our information and said she'll 'page it out'.....well I don't know it was morse code paging or pigeon carrier but we NEVER got a call back. Thankfully I had her drops from before and kept putting a warm cloth on her eye that the swelling went down. It went down alright and reappeared in her right eye Monday morning. COME ON!
This time I brought her to see her doctor - the nurse asked if she had been around anyone with conjunctivitis. I just looked at her and said, she goes to daycare. God only knows what germs she's around. The doctor comes in, does his thing and it's what hubs and I thought from the beginning....conjunctifunk. Thankfully I treated it right away so she's not contagious anymore. Spent the day at home with her and trying to get work done wasn't in her cards for me. What she had planned was to whine, sneeze in my face, chew on anything and everything she could get her hands on.
We are still trying to get her to roll....but Miss Lazy bones doesn't seem to care too much about it. She'll get to her side and just chill out there and then right to her back again. Started to introduce food and thankfully she's eating like a champ! Banana's, Sweet Potatoes and last night Avocado - takes a few spoonfuls for her to figure out what is going on but after that she's chowing like a girl finding out she's pregnant.
So far I've made everything and will try to keep up with it when we keep introducing new things....just not too sure about mashing up chicken when it comes to that time.....pate anyone?
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