Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How to deal.....

How to deal with your MIL while she is watching your child:
 Here are some possible situations of what you might encounter if your MIL is watching your child for you: (all are true examples)
- Told numerous times we need to shovel our front walkway/plow front yard in case they need to get out of the house (three things: one: we have no front walkway, two: if it's that big of an emergency that you cannot get out side door, it's okay to step in snow and three: unless you want to pay to have our yard fixed every year, we will NOT plow our front yard)
    Solution: wait for the rain to wash away the snow
   Solution in my head: build a snowman in the front doorway with a sign that says, 'Must pay toll to pass'

- Told we shouldn't keep her in living room because it's too cold - the play room is better for her to be in.
   Solution: bring all play things into the living room so there is no option BUT to keep her in living room.
   Solution in my head: hang snowflakes from our ceiling to make it a winter wonderland...at 72 degrees.

- Come home to find her in a fleece hooded jacket when you keep your house at 72 degrees because she is cold and then find out she put her winter hat on while they were inside because the sun was coming in through the living room windows.
   Solution: find any and all articles about overheating baby, how to dress baby when you are indoors, how to dress a baby when you take them out, what they should/should not wear in car seats, how you cannot base baby's body temp based on hands/feet because circulatory system is not fully developed.
   Solution in my head: pad lock her closet so she has to put the clothes on that are left out.

 - Told we spend too much money on cold cuts
     Solution: Black out all costs on food
     Solution in my head: create new cost labels and increase the dollar amount to some crazy figure

Now some of you may be thinking....wow what a bitch, and I probably would ponder that thought for a second too. We are very lucky to have her help us out one day a week, but this is my outlet for my thoughts/feelings/etc....so settle down ;)

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