Have you ever been out in public and you hear a screaming child and wonder why the parents cannot quiet them down? Yup, I was THAT mom yesterday!
Bug and I went out after her 10:00 feeding to run some errands - figuring I had plenty of time before she was ready to eat lunch...boy was I wrong! Hit one store and she did great - got some things for Hubs birthday, some cute stuff for her and a few other things. I checked the time and figured I could do a quick run through the grocery store before we had to head home. My cue should have been her crying in the backseat during the 2 minute car ride from one store to the next!
Thinking she was just warm, I quickly get her out of the car and into the store....she was fine. That lasted about 3 isles before she was crying and the looks started....settle down lady, it's not like we are at Church or in a movie theater....her crying isn't going to interfere with you grabbing another box of cookies!
I high tail it to the baby food isle...where the fuck is the baby food isle.....for the LOVE of Pete!!!! After I made it safely to that section of the store, realizing I most likely ran over a few feet trying to find my way, I reach for a container of Puffs. Rip off the plastic wrapping only to have it not completely go all the way down, making it damn near impossible for the cap to come off.
The crying gets louder.....you plastic piece of shit, come OFF! Bam, there it goes, across the isle and I begin to pass these heaven from Godsend treats into her little mouth.
The crying has subsided....phew!
Start to make my way to the next isle and the tears start again....clearly these star shaped, air puffed Puffs are not going to cut it. Off to the register I go.
Trying to get that container out of my 9 month old hands was damn near impossible - that girl has one strong grip! Damn it where is that stupid cap again!?!??!
Ask the cashier to quickly scan the Puffs so it can go back to being super glued in Bugs hand. I couldn't have been happier with the line I chose. The two women were amazing at keeping her engaged and then a young kid came over because he wasn't bagging and helped entertain her while I was checking out.
So thank you my dear Stop-n-Shop employees....thank you for not making me fee like THAT mom! I will come back to see you again, even though I'm not a huge fan of your store, I am now a huge fan of your employees!
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