Thursday, June 26, 2014

Wrong Profession

I often wonder how I got in to the profession I am in....HR for an automotive company.There are days I have to bite my tongue before I tell someone they are being a jackhole....or tell the young kids to put on their big boy pants when they come to my office to complain about being picked on in the shop (and no, it is NOT bullying.....I know the difference!!!)

Today was another example of me biting my tongue. As I was sitting with a new hire, we start to chat. She asks if the pictures on my back shelf were of my daughter, and I tell her they are. She then proceeds to tell me that her friend, who's 20, has a 10 month old and is pregnant with twin boys (told me she was married to a guy in the military in case I thought her friend might be some kind of tramp or something....last thing that was going through my mind) and how no one believed that she had given birth after her daughter because she lost all her weight 2 months after. first thought in my head was.....GET OUT!
But knowing that wouldn't be professional, I decided to throw daggers with my eyes. Okay not intentionally, it just happened.

Why the hell would you say that? Good for your 20 year old friend who can get pregnant at the drop of a hat and bounce right back after having a baby. Why don't you come to me when your friend is say....37....and see how's she's doing. Does she still have that rock hard, 20 year old figure??? Gonna go with no, no she doesn't. Because guess what swan, in real life, your body goes away - unless you work really hard at keeping it in shape (which is a lot of work...I've done it!).

Maybe I should make a drinking game out of how many times I have to bite my tongue....hmmmm
Let's see what tomorrow brings.

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