Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Just a little romance

Really isn't a lot to ask, right? Hubs and I are really not the touchy, feely, public display of affection type of people, which is okay. But once in a while it's nice for him to grab my hand or give me a nice kiss for no apparent reason.

When we first started dating it was all about the romance - doors were opened for me, dinners out at nice places, walked next to me, etc. Now....okay the dinners out are few and far between but when we do, we still go to nice places (we are very much foodies) but doors opened...HA, I'm lucky I can catch them before they are shut in my face. I love my husband with all of my heart and soul, but sometimes I miss my boyfriend.
I know I've changed too - we all do. We all become comfortable and forget what it was like in the beginning.

Hubs and I went away for the night a while back and it was great. Neither one of us 'checked in' on Crackbook (aka Facebook) we didn't post anything, we didn't text anyone - we did call my parents a few times to make sure our daughter was okay - and it felt great. It was like how we were when we first started dating, okay not really like how we first started dating, I did have to ask him to walk with me instead of ahead of me :) We ate, we drank, we talked, without any interruptions. No one from work calling or texting him about what they should do, how they should handle things, etc. Just him and I.

Don't get me wrong, we missed Bug immensely, but sometimes it's nice to have alone time - it doesn't make us bad parents that we took a night for ourselves....once in a blue moon, ah now I want a Blue Moon.....once in a blue moon is okay!

After being together for almost 10 years now I often wonder how to get the spark back. Then I stop....when I get a picture text of a diaper filled to the brim of poop with a comment, "biggest one yet!"

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