Took a little tv time out from blogging so let's catch up.....Thanksgiving morning - up bright and early to get ready for the day and to head into town for another round of bw and u/s. We were told to be there by 7:30 - wish we knew to get there earlier! The room was PACKED!!!!!! Go to check in and the lady said she wasn't sure what to do since I didn't have paperwork for the blood work. Was trying to keep my cool as I know how much it had to suck to be working on a holiday with a room full of hormonal women, I just went to sit next to the hubs (yes I dragged him to this appointment - I've done enough early mornings on my own, you can keep me company!) waiting, waiting, waiting. Felt the urge to go back to the woman at the desk to confirm they didn't fax any paperwork over - didn't want to ruin any chance with this cycle. Sure enough, she had it! Told her she was giving me a heart attack and she apologized. Phew!
Was called in for the u/s - this was different. It was a male doctor (which I was just thinking this morning that I had never had a male do the u/s). Had me do the normal routine - empty bladder, undress from waist down, gown on, blah blah blah. Covers my legs with blanket and told me he'll be right back, needed to get a female to monitor him - which I liked. Time for the photo shoot - had me insert Wanda the Wand (again, different but whatever....just adding to my list of medical things I can do for myself now! HA) Took SO MANY images - had me push down on the left side and said that was much better. Feeling uncomfortable as all hell I started to wonder how many were actually in there - originally I was told just 1 on the left.
Done with the u/s and off to bw - she must have been anxious to get out of there because she jabbed me so hard. Done with bw. Off to race back home to get ready to head to my sisters for Turkey Day.
Tried hard not to focus on checking my phone with my instructions. Nothing. Left her house and drove back home to call every number I had to try to get my results. After speaking to the on call doctor, he told me he would have my nurse call. She called me within 5 minutes and told me it's Trigger Day!!!!

She then explained how she called my house number with my instructions earlier - questioned why she called that number and not my cell that was left on the call back sheet. "Oh, we don't see those sheets." Um, then why the heck am I filling it out?????? Relived that it's time I draw a circle on my rear for the hubs. As he stood there with the needle in hand he asked me how to do it again, "just stab down right?" I turned around and walked out of the bathroom - wasn't so sure it was the best idea for him to give it to me after he'd had a few adult beverages.....tell him again to just pretend it's a dart and my arse is the dart board. In and out and we are done! Spent Friday working from home as I just wanted to stay as calm and relaxed as much as I could before our ER.
Saturday morning up and at it early again - first one in for the retrieval!!! Hubs was whisked away to leave his 'deposit' and they continue to ask a million questions - one was if I was in a safe relationship. Interesting but told her I absolutely was. Hubs is back just as they are about to take me in - kisses, love you and I'm off. Again, just remember laying on the table, telling them how cold it was in there, oxygen mask going on, lights out!! Not sure who I asked, but somewhat remember asking how many they got and then telling my husband. When I came to a little more I asked him if he told me or if I was dreaming, looked at me and laughed and let me know I informed him. Now we sit and wait for the embryologist - she comes strolling over to let us know they got 11 eggies! The rest of the day was spent on the couch while hubs got all the Christmas stuff out and lights hung on the house.
Sunday morning I spent a good 2 hours on the tree (still not done) and then went to go rest - might have over done it with all the bending over. Rested off and on while decorating the house trying to keep myself busy waiting for the fertilization report. Finally called early afternoon and told me we have 8 that are fertilized! Was pretty happy with the results as I'm not too optimistic with this will see why is 5,4,3,2, we wait. We wait and pray that our little eggies keep growing strong and that we have a few pass the genetic testing tomorrow. Then we wait one more day to find out the results/transfer time for Thursday. This by far is way worse than the dreaded 2ww!!