Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mr. Lupron, my friend, you are NO BUENO!

Holy hell am I reacting differently to Lupron this time around! Last night was the icing on the cake - was on my treadmill and started to feel dizzy (take a sip of water - useless), get moving a little faster and my whole entire abdomen starts to feel bloated and uncomfortable - cure for this....hike the shorts up so the band is around your stomach! Urkel eat your heart out.
So far today: tears this morning getting ready remembering the words my sister used in her email, dizziness, headache, tired, bloated...again, Mr. Lupron you are NO BUENO!!!!! Good news though, hubs has already been warned about me being an emotional basket case - tread lightly my love, tread lightly!
Taking a deep breath, I remember my 'to-do' list that I promised myself I would follow daily. Done.

Hello Mr. November - only 5 more days until our baseline appointment!!! Doing the Carlton dance in my I aging myself?? Hit a rough patch with this cycle, but I am back on track. I can do this. This is our time.

With my guesstimated dates of when everything will be I can't help but think about the last time. I was nervous as hell!!! Hospitals and I do not get along anymore (refer to very first post and you will understand). Trying to keep myself calm and collected as they bring up the past - they gear me up to bring me in for the retrieval. Walking over to the room, making sure I don't flash any of the other women and husbands on my way over, they push the doors open and it's like a freakin' party in the room. Everyone yelled - welcome and good morning. Literally yelled like it was a surprise party! I wasn't quite sure how to handle this so I gave them the nervous, what the hell are you really going to do to me when you knock me out, smile. I'll be ready for them this time - maybe I'll bring noise makers with me and blow them off when I walk in....hmmmm.


  1. Lupron is no bueno! At all. Sending many well wishes to you as you get ready for your baseline appointment!!

  2. I really think I am the exception to the norm...I had no problems on lupron...but I also giggle when DH gives me my PIO shots too! (course my backside and thighs hurt soooooo much due to them! haha

    Oh well - GOOD LUCK with your baseline!!!!!!! :D

  3. Lilly - I didn't have any issues during the first cycle - this one...jesh! But I would say you are the exception to giggling while getting a shot! heheheheh
