Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Perfect Strangers

No, I don't mean the show....although I'll admit, I watched it. I'm referring to all of the amazing women I have 'met' through this journey. You all are perfect strangers to me and yet I am so comfortable sharing everything about this experience with you. Normally I'm a quiet/shy person - people have said I come off bitchy because of this trait - until they get to know me....big kid at heart! Not a fan of just letting anyone in - gotta get to know you first and once you are in...you're in like Flynn! Will do anything and everything for my friends. But this whole forum family/blogging is just amazing to me - how open I can be with all of you. So let me do this - THANK YOU! Thank you to all the strong, amazing women who I've 'met' once I landed in Infertility Land.

Am a little bummed because I thought tonight would be day 1 of stims but freakin' AF has yet to show - so now they are moving me to Thursday for my baseline appointment. REALLY hoping this does not interfere with Thanksgiving because it's going to be pretty hard to tell the families we just don't want to go - especially since the in-laws live about 5 minutes away....that's a WHOLE other story in itself ;)
Just keeping my fingers crossed!

VERY much looking forward to this weekend - this past one, eh, wasn't all that great. My oldest sister turned 40 so her friends threw a surprise 40th at her house (you will see why we didn't once I get to what is going on this weekend). Drove down to CT and loved having conversations with everyone about, "wow you guys are so lucky. if you wanted to just pick up and get on a plane to travel you could. you have nothing to worry about." My response, in my head of course...would have been rude if said out loud....was, "so, that knife you stabbing in my heart, could you move it to the left a little. AH there ya go, got the whole thing now." Instead I just politely smiled, nodded my head and shrugged my shoulders.
Now to this weekend - and to those of you that think we are awful sisters! We are taking her to Foxwoods for the day/night. Originally it was just mom and her daughters, but now it's the whole fam damily. The girls are going down early and heading to their spa - SO EXCITED and then having dinner later on that night. Just excited to get away - although I am sharing a room with the middle sister (whom I am the closet with ) and she will see the shots. Guess I won't be keeping it a secret from her much longer.....cannot wait for the alarm to go off at 5:30 that next morning for Mr. Lupron.....oh, they are gonna HATE me! HAHA

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel, people tell me I come off as bitchy, but really I'm just shy......:) but somehow in fertility forum land there's no holding back. :) glad we met through the forum, it's always nice to have people going through the same thing you are when your friends and family just don't get it.
