Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A New Day

Happy Trick or Treating Day!!!! Cannot wait for the kids in the neighborhood to get this candy out of my house!
So today is a new day. I will try not to dwell on anything bad/negative and keep taking steps forward. I will focus on me, my husband, our marriage and enjoy each and every moment we have together. I will continue with our struggle to start a family with my head held high and continue to know in my heart and soul it will happen.

Reason for this: yesterday I received an email from my oldest sister (in response to telling them about the doctor's appointment) and her choice of words hit me hard - 'my disorder' will the baby have this 'disability'. I was so angry because it's not a disability or a disorder. I responded telling her this and that there is a very good chance she has it too with the history of miscarriages in our family. Even my husband was taken back by her choice of words (and he normally doesn't get too bothered by much of anything). When I was venting to my middle sister (we are as close as you can imagine - literally speak 3/4 times a day) I told her I didn't even want to go to her surprise 40th this weekend and asked if I could lie and say I had a medical procedure - which she told me I couldn't because I wasn't leaving her to go by herself. Then I told her I could just say my 'disability' was acting up - we both just burst into laughter.
So now, I will look at this image and practice it each and every day!

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