Monday, December 3, 2012

Catching up

Not so good at keeping up with this lately - took a break to just relax the past 4 days. Okay let's get you all up to speed.....

They say no news is good news right? Well I wouldn't have thought so in the world of IVF! After being physically sick to my stomach all day Wednesday while waiting for my phone to ring with the results of the genetic testing, I broke down and called my nurse. She left a message, as I didn't dare answer the phone, that they still hadn't seen anything sent over from Brigham and to call her first thing in the morning if I needed to talk, that and I would be expecting a call between 4-5 that day to schedule transfer. Shortly after that message Brigham was calling and still not sure why I answered, but I did. They were telling me what time to be there the next day and if something should change, they would give me a call.

Thursday morning up bright and early for my estrace and then tried keeping myself calm while starring at the phone hoping it would not ring. Hubs went off to work and I told him it would not be a pretty sight if he was late today. Made it through the morning/early afternoon with no call! PHEW! Hubs and I get to the hospital right on time and they gear us up. I mentioned how I had not heard the results from the testing to my nurse and she said she would get an embryologist - all I heard was "I don't want to upset her". Almost threw up on myself. Hubs and I had a bet of how many 'good' eggs we would have. He said 3 - bless his heart, and I said 1. All we need is 1. In comes the doctor and embryologist. Of the 8 that were fertilized, 7 were tested and 1 made the grade! Kelly -1, Hubs - 0. I told her that it was what I was expecting so I was okay with that. She then said something that I never thought I would hear - 'Do you want to know the sex of the baby?' I could feel my eyes fill with tears of joy and looked at the hubs and we both said no, not right now. Still have a long road to travel and will be best if we did not find out.....just yet :) How crazy! This little ball of cells - or ball of silly putty as they Hubs was calling it - is already 'known' as a little girl or little boy....again, another bet between us....I said boy, Hubs still isn't sure.

Transfer went smoothly and then it was pure resting the rest of the day and the next. This I found to be very difficult as I don't do well just sitting/laying all day. I did however become addicted to the show Duck Dynasty. Absolutely hilarious!

Now it's the waiting game. For some reason I'm not anxious as I was last cycle. I'm guessing because I'm not getting myself excited this time around. I'm being more realistic that we could have another chemical or just a BFN. I am however ignoring the pains that I've been having pretty much since the night of the transfer on my right side and trying to not let anything touch the boobs - they are sore! This, though, could be the cause of the crinone.....listen, gotta tell myself something to not get too excited right? :)

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