I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas/Holiday!
My brother and his wife announced they were expecting right before we started to open gifts on Christmas Eve. Immediately I could feel all eyes on me to see what my reaction was going to be, thank God I was prepared ;) My aunt who was next to me asked if they trumped me and I just shook my head and said no and then she reached over to grab my arm. So our little secret is still safe!
My middle sister was shocked by my reaction and said it wasn't what she thought it would be and then I told her I knew for a few weeks. I was surprised though when I went on Facebook and my godparents daughter announced they were expecting (recently married this summer). The poor thing has been so sick (what the Princess has/had) that she's been in the hospital 3 different times for a period of time. Thankfully she was better to be released right before Christmas so she could be home with her family.
One more week until we can finally see our little bean and hear the heartbeat! I pray every night that the bean is growing and has a strong heartbeat. This will be a first for us. With our first loss we only saw the heartbeat, we never heard it. One more week! Thankfully it hasn't been too hard with the holidays to keep me busy and my mind off of the waiting game.
I just can't wait to tell the family. I wish I could wait until we were doing family pictures in February - just shout out I'm pregnant and have her get everyone's reaction....that would be fantastic, but no way I can wait that long!!!! Instead we will have it be a great birthday present for my father - we are going to wrap a frame with the u/s picture in it.....mom's always get the news first so I'll let my dad be the first one this time!
Here is to a fabulous 2013!!!
Can't imagine how hard it must have been to keep quiet. Hope the moment when you do announce is as happy as you hope it to be!