Thursday, June 26, 2014

Wrong Profession

I often wonder how I got in to the profession I am in....HR for an automotive company.There are days I have to bite my tongue before I tell someone they are being a jackhole....or tell the young kids to put on their big boy pants when they come to my office to complain about being picked on in the shop (and no, it is NOT bullying.....I know the difference!!!)

Today was another example of me biting my tongue. As I was sitting with a new hire, we start to chat. She asks if the pictures on my back shelf were of my daughter, and I tell her they are. She then proceeds to tell me that her friend, who's 20, has a 10 month old and is pregnant with twin boys (told me she was married to a guy in the military in case I thought her friend might be some kind of tramp or something....last thing that was going through my mind) and how no one believed that she had given birth after her daughter because she lost all her weight 2 months after. first thought in my head was.....GET OUT!
But knowing that wouldn't be professional, I decided to throw daggers with my eyes. Okay not intentionally, it just happened.

Why the hell would you say that? Good for your 20 year old friend who can get pregnant at the drop of a hat and bounce right back after having a baby. Why don't you come to me when your friend is say....37....and see how's she's doing. Does she still have that rock hard, 20 year old figure??? Gonna go with no, no she doesn't. Because guess what swan, in real life, your body goes away - unless you work really hard at keeping it in shape (which is a lot of work...I've done it!).

Maybe I should make a drinking game out of how many times I have to bite my tongue....hmmmm
Let's see what tomorrow brings.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Mom's Night Out

FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!! It is sad to admit that last night was the first night I went out with my girlfriends...since....forever! The day moved nice and quickly, picked up Bug from day care and she was in the best mood she's been in all week. Get home and hubs arrives shortly after I do - which gave me time to start to pack overnight bags for her and I for tonight.

Two of my girlfriends and I jump in my Jeep and off we go. I felt guilty for a hot minute when I was pulling out of the driveway...will hubs be okay with her by himself? will she be on her schedule? will he remember to give her a bath? Then I shut my brain off and said, he's got this. Well...he forgot the bath, but whatever. She went down no problem for him, which was great because my fear was coming home and she'd be on my side of the bed!

We got to the location for dinner and met up with the other 3 girls....wait wasn't too long, thank God, because I was starving and would have throat punched someone if I had to wait a long time! Yes, I get hangry....that and on top of it taking over an hour to get to where we needed to be....all I needed was food and a beer.

Once we are seated I open the menu, to 3 pages of beer. WHAT in the WHAT?????? Literally could not focus and felt the pressure when it came to my turn - good thing my girlfriend next to me picked a beer that I thought I would enjoy because I just muttered, I'll have what she's having.

Now that the pressure of choice of beer was over with, I flipped the page. Only to find 7 pages of food options. Come on........I start to eliminate sections and finally focus on what I want. Took the menu and threw it towards to top of the table so I couldn't change my mind.

The laughter and conversations were too much to keep up with. I knew I missed this, but didn't realize how much.

After listening to two of my girlfriends talking, I turned to the one next to me and say: you know how you know you are old? Your dinner conversation consists of Crohn's Disease.
We both burst into laughter and started to wonder what happened to us.....the good old days of conversations that consisted of who did the walk of shame in the early morning hours? how drunk we all were the night before? where were going tonight?

At this point the conversations started to turn and go back to the way we were...completely inappropriate!

I sat back in the booth, took a sip of my blueberry beer and I missed this!

Friday, June 13, 2014


Whoever thought it was a good idea to give a child rice, is clearly insane! That shit gets EVERYWHERE!!!!

I must have stood there for a good 10 minutes before realizing I couldn't leave Bug in her highchair all night....contemplated it, but didn't. Scooped her, and about a pound of rice, up from her seat to hang directly over the kitchen sink and started to wipe these sticky grains off....oh along with mashed avocado. Looking back now, I WAS the insane one for choosing this as her meal!
*Note to self.....NEVER AGAIN do this combination*

Gearing up for her to start to eat table food - makes her sound like a dog - it was hard. It meant time was running away from me and I hated it! Why is it that when we were working so hard for her to come into our lives, time moved at a snails pace....but now, her first birthday is 2 months and 3 days away! WHAT???? It's no joke when they say time flies!

Back to food.....she's been on the school lunch program all week (our daycare has their own 'chef' who prepares meals/snacks for the kids....worth paying the price (aka second mortgage) now that we are doing this. She's had anything from bagels and cream cheese to turkey wraps (okay not a real wrap but more turkey pieces and whole wheat wrap pieces sprinkled on her tray). Snacks are usually fruits/veggies, yogurt, cheese, and crackers.

She's out with Hubs today at an Indian restaurant.....wonder if she likes curry?

Monday, June 2, 2014

That mom!

Have you ever been out in public and you hear a screaming child and wonder why the parents cannot quiet them down? Yup, I was THAT mom yesterday!

Bug and I went out after her 10:00 feeding to run some errands - figuring I had plenty of time before she was ready to eat lunch...boy was I wrong! Hit one store and she did great - got some things for Hubs birthday, some cute stuff for her and a few other things. I checked the time and figured I could do a quick run through the grocery store before we had to head home. My cue should have been her crying in the backseat during the 2 minute car ride from one store to the next!

Thinking she was just warm, I quickly get her out of the car and into the store....she was fine. That lasted about 3 isles before she was crying and the looks started....settle down lady, it's not like we are at Church or in a movie theater....her crying isn't going to interfere with you grabbing another box of cookies!

I high tail it to the baby food isle...where the fuck is the baby food isle.....for the LOVE of Pete!!!! After I made it safely to that section of the store, realizing I most likely ran over a few feet trying to find my way, I reach for a container of Puffs. Rip off the plastic wrapping only to have it not completely go all the way down, making it damn near impossible for the cap to come off.

The crying gets plastic piece of shit, come OFF! Bam, there it goes, across the isle and I begin to pass these heaven from Godsend treats into her little mouth.

The crying has subsided....phew!

Start to make my way to the next isle and the tears start again....clearly these star shaped, air puffed Puffs are not going to cut it. Off to the register I go.

Trying to get that container out of my 9 month old hands was damn near impossible - that girl has one strong grip! Damn it where is that stupid cap again!?!??!

Ask the cashier to quickly scan the Puffs so it can go back to being super glued in Bugs hand. I couldn't have been happier with the line I chose. The two women were amazing at keeping her engaged and then a young kid came over because he wasn't bagging and helped entertain her while I was checking out.

So thank you my dear Stop-n-Shop employees....thank you for not making me fee like THAT mom! I will come back to see you again, even though I'm not a huge fan of your store, I am now a huge fan of your employees!